
Title Project Title Durationsort descending
EC-EUROTRAC (EUREKA) Tropospheric Ozone Research (TOR) Tropospheric Ozone Monitoring (TOM) & Airborne LIDAR for Tropospheric Ozone (ALTO)
1986 to 1989
EC-EUREKA (EUROTRAC) / TESLAS Development of a LIDAR System for Tropospheric Ozone Studies
1986 to 1989
Transport of Ozone And Stratosphere Troposphere Exchange ( TOASTE ) – European STEP ( Science and Technology for Environmental Protection ) Impact of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchanges on the Tropospheric Ozone Budget
1990 to 1991
GSRT-Greece / STRIDE HELLAS 326 Modeling of UV Solar Radiation Transfer Through Rural and Urban Atmospheres and Development of a National Network in Greece
1992 to 1994
EC-FP4-ENV 2C / MEDCAPHOT-TRACE Mediterranean Campaign of Photochemical Tracers – Transport and Chemical Evolution
1994 to 1995
EU - FP3 - FRAMEWORK 3C- HUMAN CAPITAL & MOBILITY Formation of a Large-scale European Network of Laser remote Sensing Facilities Active in Environmental
1994 to 1996
(ENVIROMENT - EU (DG XII) / STAAARTE-Training and Mobility of Researchers (TMR) Air Pollution Plume Tracking in the Eastern Mediterranean 1996
ΕNVIRONMENT-EU (DGXII) / MEDUSE Monitoring and Prediction of the Atmospheric Transport and Deposition of Desert Dust in the Mediterranean Region
1996 to 1998
ENVIRONMENT - EU (DGXII) / PAUR II Photochemical Activity in the Ultraviolet Spectral Region
1998 to 2000
ENVIRONMENT - EU (DGXII) / EARLINET A European Aerosol Research Network to Establish an Aerosol Climatology
2000 to 2003
