
Title Project Title Duration
ESA - QOMA I Q-Switched Master Oscillator based on Multidoping Nd:YAG Technology for Optoelectronics Space Applications-QOMA I
2011 to 2014
ACTRIS «ACTRIS: Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network
2011 to 2015
ESA -ALADIN ADM-Aeolus L2A aerosol and cloud product validation using the Europaean Aerosol research Network EARLINET
2009 to 2011
ESA - CALIPSO ESA-CALIPSO: EARLINET’s spaceborne-lidar-related activity during the CALIPSO mission
2007 to 2009
ESA - MESOSPHERIC LIDAR Study and Monitoring of Earth Mesosphere by means of lidar techniques» (2007-2009
2007 to 2009
GSRT: 05 NON EU 95 Development of a 6-wavelength lidar system for the retrieval of the microphysical and chemical aerosol particle parameters in the troposphere: Application in the calibration of the satellite-borne CALIPSO lidar system
2006 to 2008
EARLINET -ASOS (FP6:RICA-025991) A European Aerosol Research Network to Establish an Aerosol Climatology EARLINET-ASOS
2006 to 2011
GSRT-Greece / ENTER 2001 Laser remote sensing of the atmosphere: Experiements and computer simulations
2003 to 2005
ENVIRONMENT - EU (DG XII) / PHOENICS Particles of human origin extinguish natural solar irradiance in the Climate system
2001 to 2004
ENVIRONMENT - EU (DGXII) / STACCATO Influence of Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange in a Changing Climate on Atmospheric Transport and Oxidation Capacity
2000 to 2003
