PhD Student

Ourania SOUPIONA (M.Sc.)

Mrs. Ourania Soupiona (M.Sc) joined the LRSU group on October 2016 as a Ph.D. student in the LIDAR field. Mrs SOUPIONA holds a M.Sc., in Physics/Environmental Physics, from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (2016) and a M.Sc., from the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens, Greece (Specialisation in Physics of lasers and Laser Remote Sensing (2014).

Mr Christos Evangelatos

Mr. C. Evangelatos joined the LRSU group in November 2015, as a PhD student. Besides his PhD, he works, as an optoelectronic engineer in Raymetrics S.A., a world leader in LIDAR atmospheric observations. He has participated in 3 competitive research projects in laser development and its applications. Up to now, he is co-author in 2 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and more than 8 oral presentations and International Conference Proceedings papers.
