The Greek National Infrastructure Project PANACEA has officialy started on 03/09/2018
LRSU was recently admitted as Associated Partner of the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure) Roadmap for world-class Research Infrastructure, as part of the ACTRIS 2 Project (EU Horizon 2020).
Prof. Alex PAPAYANNIS was elected President of the ICLAS (International Coordination group for Laser Atmospheric Studies) (2015-2021)
LRSU is member of the PANACEA Consortium of the National Roadmap for Research Infrast
Continuous Atmospheric and Air Pollution Measurements, Monitoring of Aerosol, Ozone and Water Vapor using LIDAR/DIAL systems, Real-time data analysis and visualization services, Software development/lidar data processing algorithms, Installation, Upgrade and Re-location of LIDAR/DIAL systems, etc.
The Greek National Infrastructure Project PANACEA has officialy started on 03/09/2018
Prof. Alex PAPAYANNIS (Dipl. Electrical Eng. (1984)-National Technical University of Athens-NTUA, Greece; DEA (1985) and Ph.D. (1989)-Universite Paris 7 (Supervisor Prof. Gerard Megie), Paris France, in Physical Methods in Remote Sensing). From 1990-1996 he worked both in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in laser remote sensing of the atmosheric ozone-aerosols-bioaerosols (lidar-DIAL-Fluorescence techiques) (first lidar system in Greece 1993) and in laser development (Nd:YAG, CO2, HF, N2 lasers). Upon his recruitment at NTUA as Lecturer (1996) he created the LRSU group and started the development of the aerosol-Raman lidar and ozone DIAL systems. Since 2003 he is Professor of Environmental Physics, Laser technology and Laser Remote Sensing at NTUA. In 2000 NTUA was core founding member of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET).
Prof. Papayannis has published more than 145 scientific papers in international journals and books with peer review (h-index > 47), 350 conference papers, scientific and technical reports. Actually, he has more than 4.500 scientific citations by third parties of his published work.
Moreover, he has >36 years of experience in training & student mentoring in the lidar field. Prof. Papayannis has supervised >15 PhDs, >15 MSc & 80 Diploma Theses. He gave lectures in numerous Schools and Conferences (>250) in Europe and Brazil. He has coordinated/participated in >57 EU/National research projects (budget>4 M€). He has been very actively involved in the Human Capital & Mobility Project (FP4 Framework, CHRX-CT94-0487) and Marie Curie Itars Project (2012-2016) and in >30 EU Research & Training projects (FP5, FP6, FP7: STAAARTE/TMR, PAUR I, II, EARLINET, EARLINET-ASOS, STACCATO, ACTRIS I, II, etc.). He is member of the Executive Committee of the PANhellenic infrastructure for Atmospheric Composition and climatE chAnge (PANACEA) research Project which is a high-class, integrated Research Infrastructure (RI) for atmospheric composition and climate change not only for Greece, but also for southern Europe and eastern Mediterranean, an area that is acknowledged as a hot spot for climate change. The RI is designed to be in full compliance with EU Regulation 651/26.6.2014 and act as the Greek component of ACTRIS/ESFRI (Aerosols, Clouds and Trace gases Research Infrastructure) and ICOS/ESFRI (Integrated CO2 Observation System).
He served as Director of the NTUA Physics Department (2016-2017).
On July 2015 Prof. Papayannis was elected President of the International Coordination for Laser Atmospheric Studies (ICLAS) for the period 2015-2021.