Dr. Athina Argyrouli

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Short CV: 

After completing her master in TU Delft, the Netherlands (2012), she received a Marie Curie fellowship within the Initial Training Network for Atmospheric Remote Sensing (ITARS). She defended her PhD dissertation (2016) with topic: “Study of the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) and its influence on cloud properties” in the Laser Remote Sensing Unit of the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. In particular, she studied aerosols hygroscopic growth and cloud formation processes in the PBL using multi-wavelength Raman lidar and other active remote sensing instrumentation.

Since February 2017, she works in the Remote Sensing Technology Institute at DLR on the retrievals of cloud properties from space-borne instruments. Specifically, she is responsible for the development of the cloud retrieval algorithm and prototype processor for Sentinel-5 Precursor and Sentinel-4 ESA missions aiming to monitor the atmospheric composition of the Earth.