The Greek National Infrastructure Project PANACEA has officialy started on 03/09/2018
LRSU was recently admitted as Associated Partner of the ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure) Roadmap for world-class Research Infrastructure, as part of the ACTRIS 2 Project (EU Horizon 2020).
Prof. Alex PAPAYANNIS was elected President of the ICLAS (International Coordination group for Laser Atmospheric Studies) (2015-2021)
LRSU is member of the PANACEA Consortium of the National Roadmap for Research Infrast
Continuous Atmospheric and Air Pollution Measurements, Monitoring of Aerosol, Ozone and Water Vapor using LIDAR/DIAL systems, Real-time data analysis and visualization services, Software development/lidar data processing algorithms, Installation, Upgrade and Re-location of LIDAR/DIAL systems, etc.
The Greek National Infrastructure Project PANACEA has officialy started on 03/09/2018
LRSU performs advanced experimental research on several research topics:
LRSU is core founding member of the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) and member of:
Since 1989, the members of the LRSU have published more than 120 papers in highly ranked peer-reviewed International Journals (ACP, AMT, JGR, GRL, Applied Optics, Science of the Total Environment, Atmospheric Environment, PTL, etc.), more than 250 papers in Pro-ceedings of International Conferences and 6 Chapters in 6 International Books. LRSU has coordinated/participated in more than 65 international/national research projects.
Complete shortable by Author, Title, Type or Year list of Press Coverages and Journal Publications